As we gathered around the fireplace at the farmhouse Albergue Peón, the topic of conversation among peregrinos was the sense of accomplishment in completing an extended climb that afternoon. Not our highest climb, but one of the steepest and definitely the longest continuous effort! Even though we hadn’t climbed together, there was bonding around the shared experience.

The farmhouse has been in host David’s family for generations, and his grandfather built a restaurant there that now serves as the albergue dining room. A fun community dinner, and David’s mother even packed up leftovers for our lunch the next day.
Albergue Peón had both dormitory-style bunk beds and a handful of private rooms. We stayed in a private room (shared bath). Comfortable room; original farmhouse furnishings.
The farm is 2.3 miles from the Camino, so David and his mom take turns fetching and returning peregrinos to a popular restaurant/bar that seems to be the only gathering spot in the area.
About 4 a.m. a donkey started braying! “Hee-haw, hee-haw, hee-haw!” Not sure who the intended recipient of all this exuberance was, but it was an abrupt wake up call for us! The Camino truly offers up new and unexpected experiences every day!
Inside the albergue

The road to Peón

Very well done!