We used the Relive app to create daily videos that show where we walked and some of the sights during our Camino. You can view all of the videos below.

It was nearly a week into the journey before we came up with a reliable method for recording our tracks, so we were unable to complete videos for a few days during the first week.

Our Camino started on April 14, 2023, in Irún, which is on the coast where France and Spain meet. The destination our first day was San Sebástian. We ended up staying there on April 15 to tend to a sore knee, Barry’s only injury during the trip.

April 17: No video for our walk from Zarautz to Deba.

April 19: No video for our walk from Markina to Olabe.

On April 22, we played tourist in Bilbao and managed to get in seven miles of walking depite being a day off the trail. The next morning we took the Metro on a drizzly morning to get past the industrial outskirts of Bilbao, resuming our walk in Portugalete.

Why does it start “past Pobeña? Somebody forgot to turn on the tracker until a mile or so into the walk.

April 29: We bused ahead to Santillana Del Mar to avoid the industrial outskirts of Santander. That gave us time to explore the massive Cathedral of Santander in the morning and take a short afternoon hike to view the historic Caves of Altamira near Santanilla.

May 8: We took a hilly 4.6-mile walk from Peón to Deva and then bused ahead first to Gijon for supplies and then to Avilés,

May 16: After sightseeing in Ribadeo, we bused ahead to Vilalba to make sure we finished the Camino by our target date.